In Karachi, the estimated delivery time is 1-3 business days.
Rest of Pakistan, the estimated delivery time is 3-5 business days.
We also have options for fast delivery.
Pre orders are an exception - the expected delivery time is approx. 2 weeks.
No, we have a strict no return/exchange policy. All sales are final.
If our jewelry is damaged, let us know within 48 hours of receiving the shipment, otherwise we cannot exchange it.
Please select gift packaging if you plan to gift your jewelry and want everything packed in different boxes. We don’t give extra packaging or pack pieces separately.
That brings us to our Back to life Program. We offer 22k Gold re-plating on any old/faded Mish & Co jewelry at a small fee of 500/- PKR excluding delivery.
You can cancel your order within 2 hours of placing it. After that, we cannot accept cancellations. If we cannot deliver your product or item due to unforeseen circumstances, we will refund you the full amount.